Professional Roulette

What’s it really life as a professional roulette player? The no BS explanation of what it’s like.

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  2. Professional Roulette Player

Professional roulette play Most people play roulette for fun, but this gambling game is also played by professional players. They no longer refer to it as gambling but rather as advantage play. The 18 inch solid wood roulette wheel features high quality wood construction and dual ball bearing design for extreme smooth and balanced spins lasting over a minute. The roulette wheel can be used.

Most professionals in the gaming industry know about me, or at least of me. I manage what is likely the largest team of professional casino players that has ever existed. I developed automated computers that measure the speed of the roulette wheel and ball, to predict where the ball will land. While this kind of technology is not new, there’s nothing quite like what I have developed.

I’m not telling you this to boast. I’m just giving a basic outline of who I am and what I do.

I have worked with and met thousands of professional roulette players throughout the world. I believe realistically nobody knows or understands the life of a professional roulette player better than me. But I’m not going to explain how my particular life is. Instead I’m going to explain the typical life of professional roulette players.

Until you understand something for yourself, often your perceptions are dead wrong. It’s no different when it comes to the lifestyle of a professional roulette player. Below are typical misconceptions explained.

Having a Working Roulette System Doesn’t Mean You’ll Make Millions

This is probably the most common misconception. Inexperienced people often believe a winning roulette system instantly makes you a millionaire. They think you can walk up to any table and when hundreds of thousands of dollars, without any problems.

The reality is the casino limits your winnings. You can’t just win millions and expect not to be banned – or at least restricted in some way.

In typical casino conditions, you may only be able to win $5000 in a night without drawing undue attention.

Of course there are conditions where much higher limits are possible. In some cases, my players have earned as much as $100,000 in one night. But such cases are extremely rare, and they can’t be frequently repeated.


Say for example you won $100,000 in one night. The casino will very carefully review everything you did from the moment you approach the casino. They will check you against known databases, and add you to the database if you weren’t already on it – including details of what you are suspected of doing. This database is shared between different casinos.

So although you can beat roulette, your winnings aren’t uncapped. The problem as a professional player is not beating the wheel. It is avoiding detection. You can’t just win a fortune without problems. Your winnings at online casinos like LuckyVegas will more quickly attract casino staff attention than in real casinos. Although online casinos are more for casual gamblers than professional players.

You Don’t Own a Luxury Yacht and Helicopter

A luxury yacht can cost anywhere from $2 million upwards. A helicopter is about the same. I don’t know of any professional gambler that has both a helicopter and luxury yacht. There are probably a few – although they were likely already wealthy to begin with. I know several that have luxury yachts, and they are all high-stakes players.


The average player with medium-size stakes are reasonably well off. This means they own their own house, and a reasonably comfortable. They still need to work for money. In fact most professional roulette players still have a full-time job. Roulette is more a supplement to their existing income.

Roulette Is Not Your Only Job


Relying entirely on roulette for income is indeed possible. But it is not recommended because conditions often change. For example, some days the tables may be incredibly busy, which makes spins occur infrequently. This inevitably makes playing practical, so you need to come back another day.

Perhaps on other days, the casino staff may be looking at you strangely. So you may suspect they are suspicious of you. This is a good sign you need to leave and come back later, when they have forgotten you. Or perhaps you need to change casinos entirely for some time.

In either case, your income is disrupted. If you have family or dependents you need to support, then roulette may not give you the dependable and predictable revenue you need. This is why most professional roulette players have more than one source of revenue. The typical situation is players retain their full-time jobs, and play roulette part-time. If they do everything right, they’ll learn more from roulette than their normal jobs.

It doesn’t mean they should quit their normal job. But they may at least change jobs so they don’t need to work as hard.

Professional Vs Recreational Gambling

Professional gamblers are not really gamblers at all. They are educated professionals who carefully assess games before wagering real money.

Recreational gamblers consider elements like Retro Casino features, and what they find interesting. To them, it’s more about entertainment than making money.

Most Players Don’t Have The Right Mindset

Do I recommend professional roulette systems for most people? Absolutely not. Most casino players wouldn’t have the vaguest idea about what it takes to beat casinos. Most casino players expect to win millions, without any time and effort.

The reality is most professional players will tell you beating roulette is not particularly difficult. Again the most difficult thing is avoiding detection. Although even this isn’t particularly difficult. It more limits your winnings, rather than completely restricts you.

If you asked a recreational gambler what they thought of professional play techniques, they would probably say they’re impractical and too difficult. But the next day, they may go to a 9-to-5 job and earn peanuts. This to me is the real madness.

If you compare the income possible in casinos, to what you can earn in a 9-to-5 job, there is no comparison. You can earn far more in casinos, and in a fraction of the time. The downside is it’s tedious and often boring work. It takes the right kind of mind. You need to be driven and self-motivated. Unfortunately most people lack even these basic attributes. You also need reasonable intelligence.

If you have a good analytical mind, are patient, and self-motivated, then you are likely to do well as an advantage player. If you have unrealistic ideas of making a fortune without any time and effort, I suggest not stepping inside any casino – unless you are aware you’re almost certainly going to lose money.

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.

This is the world’s leading free resource site for professional roulette players. It includes free roulette systems, free downloads, discussion forums and much more so you can beat roulette. If you have any suggestions or resources you would like to see, please contact me. If you have any free resource that will benefit the roulette community, please contact me with the details and I’ll add your resource. It is ok if you profit from it, provided that your product is legitimately useful.

Be sure to bookmark this site as new resources are constantly added. I also suggest visiting the following websites: Best resource site for beating roulette, including a proven roulette system for free

Roulette sophisticated technology that predicts where the ball is going to land. Add and read reviews of the best and worst roulette systems.

The best ad-free forum for gambling is It’s a properly moderated message board for serious players.

Can You Really Beat Roulette?

Most people will tell you no, and will probably mis-quote something Einstein once said. But these people have no real experience with roulette, and get their information second-hand. The reality is that roulette is indeed beatable, but only in specific conditions. The professionals in the casino community know this. But a professional does not mean a dealer who doesn’t know much more about roulette than a cocktail waitress. Real professionals are first and foremost the people actually beating the game. And secondary are the people whoa re hired by casinos to detect and deal with the professional players. One such casino consultant said himself that the professional players tend to know more about roulette that even wheel designers, because the players focus more attention on exploiting wheels.

So What Works?

You can forget doubling up after wins. You can forget betting progression. The only way to beat roulette is by first increasing the accuracy of your predictions. This means considering why the ball lands where it does. You may initially believe this to be impossible, but once you understand the physics involved, you can understand numerous techniques can viably produce accurate predictions.

A good start in determine what works is by considering what a casino may do to protect themselves from professional players. You will notice dealers regularly rotate shifts. This is intentional to prevent any single dealer from spinning the wheel in a consistent manner, which may generate predictable patterns that are exploited by players. Another consideration is sometimes the ball is changed. And some casinos are required to change the wheel direction. Many casinos even randomly move their wheels to different tables in attempt to confuse professional players that may be studying an individual wheel. This all suggests there is something they are trying to prevent, and its a focused study of an individual wheel under specific and predictable conditions. Also see for a basic explanation about how can and cannot beat roulette. Two other excellent page explaining what wins and loses are at and a free professional roulette tips page is at

Why Most Roulette Systems Fail

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Most systems are based on garbage, such as “after 10 reds and 1 black, bet black and increase bets until you win”. There are more systems for roulette than any other gambling game, and almost all have no effect whatsoever. When assessing a system, if you tested the entire system over a statistically relevant amount of spins, you would die an old and grey person. That’s because statistically relevant is many thousands of spins, and most people will never play that many spins. Most players only get to test their systems over a few hundred spins, and from the results they achieve, they draw their conclusions. If after their brief test they have profited, they will assume their have finally cracked the game of roulette, when in fact they have merely won over a small sample of spins. But it doesn’t mean they have a genuine winning roulette system.

The core reason why most systems fail is because they do not address what roulette actually is. Roulette is about a small ball and wheel, and where the ball will land. It has nothing to do with magical myths about fantastic mathematical anomalies that exist only in the losing player’s head. Roulette is about physics – plain and simple. Many players practically go insane trying to beat roulette, and they keep trying to same thing in a different way, without ever knowing what they are doing on. And in the end, they conclude the game cant be beaten.

Whether or not you take the advice is up to you. I manage what is likely to be the largest team of professional roulette players ever to have existed, and I believe it is likely fact we have won a combined amount more than any other roulette teams. While I do provide links to my sites here, this site is more about FREE resources for roulette players.

While I do still maintain my teams, most of my time is dedicated to non-profit work related to which teach people to live without such a strong reliance on money, instead of putting so much effort into making money.

Warnings About Scams

I manage a variety of roulette-based websites, including the largest roulette forums. Every week I’m contacted by several people who were scammed by a roulette system or cheating device seller. Many of them comment on how they should have listened to my warnings. It is particularly frustrating as I manage the review site to reveal scams for what they are, but publishing warnings aren’t enough – purchasers of roulette systems must use their own common sense. Some of the scammers quickly shut down their site after being exposed, while others are relentless and either modify their existing site, or create a new one to continue scamming people.

Professional Roulette Player

Common Sense Questions To Ask Sellers

  • Why are they selling, and are their reasons actually plausible?
Professional roulette gambler
  • Do they offer reasonable proof of their claims that is not easily faked?
  • Why would someone sell something that can make millions for low prices like $49.95?

Other Points To Consider:

  • Is the seller a registered business, or even better, a corporation? Many scammers fabricate company names. The problem with this is if you are scammed, you cannot take legal action. And if you report the matter to the police, they’ll tell you to refer the matter to consumer organizations, who then can’t do anything unless you purchased from an actual business or company.
  • Is a free trial offered? You are unlikely to have a free trial of the full system, but often a free trial of a less effective version is possible.
  • Videos are not proof of much unless the demonstration of a system is conducted on a common roulette wheel, and witnessed by others.
  • Is the system using real physics to increase the accuracy of predictions and bets? If not, the system simply cannot beat roulette.

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.